1978年東京生まれ。作家、アーティスト 。

著書は小説「女の子たち風船爆弾をつくる」(文藝春秋)、「最後の挨拶 His Last Bow」(講談社)(第44回日本シャーロック・ホームズ大賞奨励賞受賞)、「トリニティ、トリニティ、トリニティ」(第7回鉄犬ヘテロトピア文学賞受賞)、「マダム・キュリーと朝食を」(第27回三島由紀夫賞候補、第151回芥川龍之介賞候補)(共に集英社)他。
英語版 「Trinity, Trinity, Trinity」翻訳Brian Bergstrom(AstraHouse刊)は日米友好基金日本文学翻訳賞2022-2023(JUSFC)を受賞。

”放射能”の科学史を巡るコミック「光の子ども1,2,3」、アンネ・フランクと実父の日記をモチーフにした「親愛なるキティーたちへ」(共にリトルモア)、短編小説「彼女は鏡の中を覗きこむ」(集英社)、作品集に「彼女たちの戦争 嵐の中のささやきよ!」(筑摩書房)、「忘れられないの」(青土社)など。
はじめての絵本「わたしは しなない おんなのこ」(岩崎書店)、訳書「アンネのこと、すべて」アンネ・フランク・ハウス編、日本語訳監修石岡史子(ポプラ社)他。

主な展覧会は個展に「わたしはしなないおんなのこ/交霊」(2021年、Yutaka Kikutake Gallery、東京)、「 His Last Bow」(2019年、Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix、ロンドン、イギリス)、「野鳥の森 1F」(2019年、Yutaka Kikutake Gallery、東京)、「トリニティ」(2017年、軽井沢ニューアートミュージアム、長野)。
グループ展に「温泉大作戦 Erika Kobayashi, Hannah Quinlan & Rosie Hastings」(2024年、Yutaka Kikutake Gallery、東京)、「Omoshirogara」(2022年、MuseumDKM, Duisburg、ドイツ) 、「りんご前線 — Hirosaki Encounters」(2022年、弘前れんが倉庫美術館、青森)「話しているのは誰? 現代美術に潜む文学」(2019年、国立新美術館、東京)、「更級日記考―女性たちの、想像の部屋」(2019年、市原湖畔美術館、千葉)、「六本木クロッシング2016: 僕の身体、あなたの声」(2016年、森美術館、東京)、「ここに棲む ― 地域社会へのまなざし」(2015年、アーツ前橋)、The Futureとの「Your Dear Kitty, the book of Memories」(2015年、Lloyd Hotel and JCC、アムステルダム)、 「The Radiants」(2015年、Bortolami Gallery、ニューヨーク)、など。

「女の子たち 紡ぐと織る Girls, Spinning and Weaving」
出演:寺尾紗穂、青葉市子   映像監督:河合宏樹
「女の子たち風船爆弾をつくる Girls, Making Paper Balloon Bombs」
出演:角銅真実、寺尾紗穂、浮、古川麦   映像監督:玉田伸太郎


「爆心へ / To Hypocenter」マガジン
”放射能”の科学史を辿るコミッックLittle More WEB「光の子ども」
FRaU 「見える世界を変えにいく」(対談)



Erika Kobayashi was born in 1978 in Tokyo, Japan. She currently lives and works in Tokyo.

Kobayashi creates works that are inspired by things invisible to the eye: time and history, family and memory, and the traces left in places.

She won the  the 2022-2023 Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission Prizes (JUSFC) for the Translation of Japanese Literature  for the Trinity, Trinity, Trinity, translated by Brian Bergstrom, published by Astra House. Also she was awarded the 44th Japan Sherlock Holmes Club Encouragement Award in 2022 for her novel His Last Bow published by Kodansha, the 7th Tekken Heterotopia Literary Prize in 2020 for her novel Trinity, Trinity, Trinity, published by Shūeisha, and nominated for the 27th Mishima Yukio Award and the 151st Akutagawa Award in 2014 for her novel, Madame Curie to chōshoku o (Breakfast with Madame Curie), also published by Shūeisha. Along with her literary work, she has presented installation pieces as an artist both in Japan and internationally that enable viewers to re-experience various scenes from her writings in which the elements of fiction and documentary drift between personal narrative and social reality.

Her other publications include Girls, Making Paper Balloon Bombs, the collection of short stories She Looks into the Mirror, the nonfictional work Shin’ai naru Kitty tachi e (Your Dear Kitty,), inspired by the diaries of Anne Frank and based on the diary of Kobayashi father, the graphic novel Hikari no kodomo 1.2.3 LUMINOUS (Children of Light: Luminous), which traces the history of the atom and radiation, and a book of her recent writings, drawings, and comics, Wasurerarenai Mono (I Can’t Forget).

Kobayashi’s recent solo exhibitions include I Am a Girl Who Will Never Die. / Seance, Yutaka Kikutake Gallery, Tokyo (2021), His Last Bow, Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix, London (2019); 1F in the Forest of Wild Birds, Yutaka Kikutake Gallery, Tokyo (2019); and Trinity,Karuizawa New Art Museum, Nagano (2017).
Group exhibitions include Onsen Confidencial : Erika Kobayashi, Hannah Quinlan & Rosie Hastings,Yutaka Kikutake Gallery, Tokyo (2024), Omoshirogara, Museum DKM,Duisburg,Germany(2022), Hirosaki Encounters, Hirosaki Museum of Contemporary Art, Aomori(2022), Image Narratives: Literature in Japanese Contemporary Art, The National Art Center, Tokyo (2019); Women Imagining Rooms: About the Diary of Lady Sarashina, Ichihara Lakeside Museum, Chiba (2019); Roppongi Crossing 2016: My Body, Your Voice, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo (2016); and The Radiants, Bortolami Gallery, New York (2015)etc.

In recent years, Kobayashi have also written scripts for Dramatic Read Opera series that revives old songs with Saho Terao.
'The Girls, Spinning and Weaving' Featuring: Saho Terao, Ichiko Aoba; Video Director: Hiroki Kawai
'The Girls, Making Paper Balloon Bombs' Featuring: Manami Kakudo, Saho Terao, Buoy, Baku Furukawa Video Director: Shintaro Tamada.

Museum Collection
"Journeys End in Lovers’ Meetings"(2021)
by Hirosaki Museum of Contemporary Art, Aomori, Japan

France Edition
“Trinity, Trinity, Trinity”éditions Dalva , 2021
Traduit par Mathilde Tamae-Buhon

US and Canada Edition
“SUNRISE - Radiant Stories-” Astra House, 2023
Translated  by Brian Bergstrom

“Trinity, Trinity, Trinity”Astra House , 2022
“Trinity, Trinity, Trinity”Astra House , Paperback Edition 2023
Translated  by Brian Bergstrom
Won the 2022-2023 Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission Prizes (JUSFC) for the Translation of Japanese Literature

“Elemental”TWO LINES PRESS(“Precious Stones” ), 2021
Translated  by Brian Bergstrom